Wednesday 15 November 2017

What Are the Guidelines For Welding Cast Iron?

Cast Iron Welding Electrode Manufacturers calls for a few special procedure. It's a challenging task and there can be no two opinions about that. Cast iron, unlike other steels, has much greater carbon content in 2 to 4 percent. This causes most cast iron to be brittle making it difficult to weld. If the following procedure is followed closely, cast iron can be welded with relative ease:

Use either cooling or heating while welding cast iron as it is important to keep casting iron out of the 150- to 500-degree F array. Preheating is widely preferred; however there are times when cooling are done. But stick to either cooling or heating and do not attempt to change in the center of a weld.

Though preheating the cast ironing part should suffice, it's better to preheat the entire casting slowly and uniformly in the 500- to 1,200-degree F range. Be careful to heat within the stated range as overheating may cause iron to crack. The casting should get hot just to the extent you can to touch it comfortably with your bare hand. If need be, make welds intermittently to avoid overheating.

Occurrences of little cracks when Cast Iron Electrodes Supplier in India, is inevitable. You can apply some sealing compound to prevent leakages. If there are cracks you must repair with studding. Studding is a complex process calling for a whole lot of skills. The very first step is to drill and tap holes on the surface that has beveled. The next step is to put in steel studs and the studs should come out 5 to 6 mm above the surface and the studs must then be welded to remain in place.

Preheated welding can be easily done - particularly for small and manageable objects. While welding the cast iron without preheating, it's extremely essential the operator has good control over the welding gun and create the welds as little as you can.

Welding cast iron with an arc welder calls for different procedure. As a matter of fact, persons capable of welding cast iron with arc welder are few in number and there is a great demand for such skilled persons.

You might need to either purchase or hire a SMAW (shielded metal arc welding or stick electrode) welder depending how often you do cast ironing welding with arc welder. Plug your welder into a 220V outlet and then plug in your ground cord and welder electrode holder cord into the welder. Please know it to weld cast iron, then you need a special electrode. You may buy a 770 stick electrode to weld cast iron.

To begin with, clean the surface area to be welded with a wire brush. Clamp the grounding clamp cord from the welder onto the piece of cast iron which has to be welded. Thereafter, place an electrode into the welder electrode holder and position the electrode near in which the weld has to begin.

Continue to tap the electrode onto the cast ironing until an arc is created and begin to weave the electrode stick from side to side. Make it a point to keep the arc slightly away from the piece of steel you are welding. Wait for a few minutes for the weld to cool off gradually. Use the welding hammer to chip off the slag from the top of the weld. You can purchase this from Cast Iron Electrodes Supplier in India.